
Top 10 News of Jinhui Mining in 2023
addtime:2023-12-29 view:


1.Shrink strength, deeply cultivate Longnan, integrate resources, and consolidate development momentum

With the call for a new round of national mineral exploration strategy, Jinhui Co., Ltd. actively responds to and conscientiously implements the relevant spirit of the province, city, and county to further promote the high-quality development of the mining economy. It has signed a Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement with the People's Government of Huizhou County to jointly promote the integration of resources in the Jiangluo mining area. Jinhui Group has successively acquired 100% equity of Huixian Xiejiagou Lead Zinc Mining Co., Ltd. and Huixian Xiangyangshan Mining Co., Ltd., with an annual comprehensive production capacity of 1.68 million tons; Acquire 100% equity of four beneficiation plants and their tailings ponds, including Xiejiagou Mining, Minghao Mining, Hongtai Mining, and Longjiang Mining. The Jiangluo mining area is located in the Xicheng lead-zinc mineralization belt, a super large lead-zinc mineralization belt in China. The implementation of resource integration work in the Jiangluo mining area will provide strong support for Jinhui Group to increase resource reserves and consolidate development momentum.

2. Strengthen the main business, enhance production capacity, and comprehensively launch the construction of a 3 million ton annual lead-zinc mining and selection project in the Jiangluo mining area

While actively participating in the integration of mineral resources, Jinhui Co., Ltd. plans to invest approximately 5 billion yuan in building a large-scale green mine in the Jiangluo mining area with an annual output of 3 million tons of lead and zinc ore, leveraging the talent reserves, technological management advantages, and rich experience in creating national level green mines of listed companies. Efforts will be made to achieve the "five unifications" of mining rights, planning, main body, development, and management. The first phase of the mineral processing project has been registered and approved, and the relevant procedures are being processed. After completion and operation, it will once again become a "new engine" for promoting regional economic and social development in terms of revenue, taxes, employment, social responsibility, and other aspects.

3. Strengthen safety, pay attention to the environment, and continue to improve safety and environmental protection work

One of the principles of Jinhui Group's safety production and environmental protection work is "no production without safety and no production without environmental protection". As a representative of national private non coal mining enterprises, Jinhui Group was invited to give a speech at the "National Video Conference on Intelligent Construction and Safe Development of Mines". The intelligent construction level of Jinhui Group has set a typical example nationwide and has strong demonstration and reference significance in non coal mining mountains. Dong Baotong, Deputy Leader of the Central Environmental Protection Inspection Group, Party Member and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and Director of the National Nuclear Safety Administration, visited Jinhui Group for research and fully affirmed the achievements of Jinhui Group's green mine construction and environmental protection work. He encouraged Jinhui Group to firmly establish the theory that "green mountains and clear waters are like mountains of gold and silver", always putting employee safety first, and protecting the ecological environment like protecting the eyes, Polish the national green mining business card.

4. Setting a benchmark and providing a model, Mr. Li Ming, the actual controller of Jinhui Group, was awarded the honorable title of National Leader in High Quality Development of Green Mines

At the 6th National Green Mining Development Conference, Mr. Li Ming, the actual controller of Jinhui Group, was awarded the honorable title of National Green Mining High Quality Development Leader (the only one in the country). This is the second time that Mr. Li Ming has been awarded a national level honor, following the National Green Mine Outstanding Contribution Award (only 2 in the country) and the National First Mine Creator (only in the country).

According to the People's Daily, Mr. Li Ming has always guided the development of enterprises with advanced concepts, a high level of entrepreneurial spirit, and a sense of social responsibility. The achievements of Jinhui Group's national green mines have not only changed the development mode of mining, but also changed people's views on traditional mines, regained the respect and dignity of the whole society towards mining enterprises, and achieved green and high-quality development. Mr. Li Ming has set a benchmark for the green and high-quality development of the mining economy, provided a model, and made outstanding contributions.


5. Co creation and co construction, returning to society, and sharing the achievements of enterprise development

"Caring for employees and giving back to society" is one of the corporate purposes of Jinhui Shares. After its listing, Jinhui Shares actively responded to relevant national policy requirements, giving back real gold and silver to investors, and distributing a cash dividend of 293 million yuan in the first half of 2023. Since the company went public, it has accumulated dividends of over 800 million yuan, allowing investors to share the achievements of the company's development. We have completed the purchase of the first phase of the employee stock ownership plan for Jinhui Shares. Mr. Li Ming, the actual controller of Jinhui Shares, provided a guarantee of no less than 15% annual income for the participating employees. This great love measure that motivates employees to create and build together with the company has filled employees with a sense of happiness, gain, and belonging.

6. Technology empowerment, green development, technological research and development, and achievement transformation to a new level

As a national high-tech enterprise, Jinhui Group attaches great importance to scientific and technological research and development. Based on collaborative innovation bases and enterprise technology centers, Jinhui Group continuously increases investment in scientific research funds, comprehensively opens up the collaborative innovation channel between industry, academia, research and application, and continuously unleashes its innovative vitality. In 2023, the integrated project of "Research and Application of Rock Mechanics in Large Buried and Gently Dipped Ore Body Mining" organized and implemented by Jinhui Co., Ltd. passed the evaluation; The research results of "Key Technologies for Green and Efficient Utilization of Complex Lead and Zinc Resources", "A Method for Mud Preparation in Carbon Layer during Drilling Construction", "An Efficient Method for Preparing Fast and Strong Tailing Filling Paste Materials", and "A Semi Self Grinding and Grinding Technology for Lead and Zinc Polymetallic Mines" have been accepted and recognized by relevant departments and are being promoted. The use of advanced equipment in fields such as exploration, mining, and mineral processing, as well as the overcoming of bottleneck technical difficulties, the re recognition of national high-tech enterprises, and the implementation of tax reduction and preferential policies for western development, all provide strong technical support for the high-quality development of Jinhui Group.

7. Disasters are merciless, golden badges carry love, praying for the great motherland, national stability, and people's safety

After the 6.2 magnitude earthquake in Jishishan County, Linxia, Gansu, which affected the whole country, the Jinhui Positive Energy Public Welfare Foundation took the lead in donating 2 million yuan to the Jishishan earthquake stricken area in Linxia, Gansu, to support emergency rescue, resettlement of affected people, and post disaster recovery and reconstruction work. The Jinhui Positive Energy Public Welfare Foundation, initiated by Jinhui Co., Ltd., continues to focus on targeted poverty alleviation, providing necessary assistance for various disasters, impoverished students, impoverished people, beautiful rural construction, and public welfare talent cultivation, and making due contributions to the healthy development of China's public welfare and charity cause. In 2023, Jinhui Group donated 8 million yuan to the Jinhui Positive Energy Public Welfare Foundation to assist in disaster prevention and reduction, caring education, and rural revitalization.

8. Upgrading and upgrading, green development, and orderly promotion of green mine upgrading and renovation projects

The Green Mine Improvement and Renovation Project of Jinhui Co., Ltd. is a green and safe project that integrates digital resource management, intelligent production control for "ore flow", unmanned production for the entire process, integrated essential safety management, and intelligent decision-making based on industrial big data, while actively responding to national policies and promoting intelligent upgrading of mines on the basis of consolidating the effectiveness of national green mine construction Efficient intelligent non-ferrous metal mines will further enhance the construction level of intrinsically safe mines and assist in the green and high-quality development of the mining economy. This year, various sub projects have been promoted in an orderly manner, completing the "one map" intelligent comprehensive control and software management and development of refined 3D modeling of mining areas, intelligent management systems for mining and selection, intelligent analysis systems for safety production operation data, and energy consumption management systems. Data extraction, analysis, intelligent decision-making, and early warning have been achieved, and the effectiveness and level of intelligent prevention and control have gradually formed.

9. Like the Golden Emblem, a green model, Golden Emblem Co., Ltd. has been widely recognized by all sectors of society

In 2023, a delegation from the Department of Natural Resources of the Xizang Autonomous Region, the Department of Natural Resources of Shaanxi Province, the Sichuan Natural Resources Investment Group, the Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Government, the Qinghai Coal Geology Bureau, the Pingliang Natural Resources Bureau, the Xihe County Party and government enterprises, the Chifeng Gold Research Group and other party and government enterprises visited Jinhui Shares for exchange and sharing.

From People's Daily (website), Xinhua News App, CCTV Agriculture and Rural Channel, Guangming Daily, Economic Daily, China Youth Daily, China News Network, China Net, Science and Technology Daily, Farmers Daily, China Environment Daily, China Green Times, Natural Resources Daily, Huaxia Times, People's Political Consultative Conference Daily, Global Times, China Daily, China Economic Times, Legal Daily, Environmental Protection Magazine, Global Times, Tencent Video More than 30 mainstream media reporters, including Sohu Video and Gansu Daily, have visited Jinhui Group to interview and report on green development practices, give likes and promote green mining models.

10. Gathering energy online, sharing the world, and participating in exciting activities such as the Golden Emblem Enterprise Tennis Exchange Tournament

This year, led by the company's party committee, a series of activities were organized successively to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, including the speech competition, the Jinhui Enterprise Tennis Exchange Competition, the 5th Employee Sports Meeting, the "Everyone Speaks Safety, Everyone Meets Emergency" safety competition, the "March 8th Celebration Games", and the "Employee Singing Competition". The content was rich and exciting, showcasing the full state of Jinhui employees who are positive, self transcending, and pursuing their dreams. Through the continuous implementation of a series of activities, it is certain that more employees will put the cultural concept of "I love the Golden Emblem, the Golden Emblem loves me" into concrete practice. In the new year, all Golden Emblem shareholders will surely "move forward with joy".

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